Safe House


Safe House...

"A gripping story superbly told, Safe House was given an exhilarating interpretation by director Melissa Maxwell and a superior cast led by Daniel Morgan Shelley and Will Cobb in The Rep’s Studio Theatre, beautifully paced to extract maximum impact from its clever and well-honed script. Safe House was powerful, compelling and visceral theater at its finest. "                                                                                                                            

"Melissa Maxwell expertly directs this production, pulling particularly special performances from her ensemble, while mining the material for all its provocative drama and surprising humor. "           

"...director Melissa Maxwell guides the cast with clear understanding and purpose."                                                                                        

"Besides the brilliant cast and outstanding direction in “Safe House,” we also have a wonderful technical crew that helps bring out the gritty but often ethereal feeling of the script. "                                          --Stage Door St. Louis

"Melissa Maxwell's direction is spot on."                 --St. Louis Eats and Drinks

"Melissa Maxwell has deftly directed the production to modulate the moods and weight the words."                                                                 
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